Tuesday 17 January 2012

The art of movement

So I was looking for animations on Vimeo, and I found this, it was one of the first that came up under the search of  '2d animations'

I love this, I think it is beautiful and this is almost exactly the reason that I am interested in animation, it is not about pretty pictures moving for me, for me its about the art of movement. I love the grace and emotion that goes into the movements, I think its strange, (but also interesting) when parts speed up or slow down, and the very fluid movements which sometimes lead to wings and things is very beautiful.

One of my friends showed me this:

Which, although it is beautiful and a very good animation it doesn't interest me as much as "Thinking of you" because it is more about the beautiful pictures moving then about the actual movement, which is what I think animation should be...although I can still appreciate the beauty of it. 

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