Sunday 22 January 2012

Arm slash v01

So I have decided to do some practice animations in the time before I get back to doing actual work.I think one short exercise animation every few days would be good, this way I get to practice timing and emotion and also I get to practice my drawing skills on a wacom, which may have been a contributing reason as to why I got such low marks in the last project. I couldn't decide what to do as I didn't particularly want to do another walk cycle (although I probably should have done).

so I decided (somehow, I'm still not to sure how I arrived at the decision) to do an arm slash, originally I imagined the character holding a sword, however I haven't drawn it in yet and  I probably won't so I can just pretend that he is swinging his arm in a violent motion as if to say "NO!"

It is still not quite finished, but I thought I would put it up to show that I am doing something with my spare time.

I quite like the movement of the shoulder on screen right (his left shoulder) as I think it adds more depth to the scene and makes it feel 3d. I have yet to animate the head which will probably be the next part, then I will add details, (maybe colours) and I will be finished with this and I will move onto the next one

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